Early Morning Mass: Monday to Friday at 7.15am in Holy Family.
Morning Prayer: 15mins before Masses Mon-Sat (i.e. 9am or 9.45am).
Stations of the Cross: St Thérèse Church: Fridays after Morning Mass and Holy Family Church: Fridays at 3pm.
Praying with the Scriptures during Lent
Join us in Holy Family Church every Wednesday 7-8pm during Lent, beginning 1st March, for a course on praying with the Scriptures. This practical and experiential course will introduce us to prayer using the Lectio Divina method.
No Greater Love
An invitation to join with Living Church to reflect over Zoom on the final moments of Jesus’ life. Best selling author, Edward Sri, will guide us through the final hours of Christ’s life. The programme will be facilitated by Fr Paul Byrne and Aishling Steen over the five weeks of Lent beginning on Monday Feb 27th at 7pm. To book your place, please email: livingchurch@downandconnor.org.
A Springtime of Faith Lenten Scripture
Based on his book Hearers of the Word: Praying and exploring the Readings of Lent and Holy Week Year A, Fr. Kieran O’Mahoney will draw on the rich resources of theology, Sacred Scripture, literature and our current realities to help the critical reader towards an ever deeper appreciation of the Word in this season.
Wednesdays 2-4pm during Lent. Cost £40. Tel: 07706316319 or email belfastjesuitcentre@gmail.com.
Free Catholic Apps for Lent
Pray 40 Days: Fr. Michael Denk created
the Pray 40 Days app to set your prayer
time on fire this Lent.
Laudate: This app is wonderful yearround, not just during Lent. It provides
the daily readings, reflections, and a vast
collection of prayers.
Lent #Pray40 Challenge from Hallow:
Take the Lent #Pray40 Challenge from
Hallow – the Catholic Prayer and Meditation App!