Parish Pastoral Council
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) consists of a group of people that are representative of the parish community. They work co-responsibly with the clergy of the parish to build and promote a caring, praying community centred in Christ. The PPC is concerned with pastoral matters rather than administration, buildings, management or finance; those matters are addressed elsewhere.
Membership of the PC is for a period of three years with the possibility of continuing for a 2nd term. The current PPC was reconstituted in September 2022 by Fr Michael Spence shortly after his appointment as Parish Priest.
The PC meets approximately once per month.
Finance Committee
The Parish Finance Committee is an advisory body to the Parish Priest and supports him in administrating the parish finance. It is also responsible for preparing and presenting the annual financial statement to the parish community.
The Finance Committee meets approximately once per month.
Communications Committee
The Communication Committee co-ordinate the parish social media posts and the maintenance of the parish website.
The Group, in current format, was reconstituted in the summer of 2020, i.e. after the churches re-opened and public Masses resumed, as a means of communicating with parishioners.
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee, consisting of the co-ordinators of the many ministries in the Parish, meet at least three times a year to plan and prepare for each liturgical season. They also evaluate current practice and consider how the environment of both churches can reflect the liturgy being celebrated. This helps to deepen not only the members’ knowledge and understanding of the liturgy but also aims to promote the worship of God and the prayer life of the Parish community.
Parish Draw Committee and Promoters
The 100 Club is a parish fundraising group with the aim of helping to address the parish debt. Promoters collect the money weekly from the parishioners who are members of the Club.
Safeguarding Committee
The Safeguarding Committee members are individuals who have a particular interest and/or experience of safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. Their task is to ensure best practice in safeguarding so that children, young people and vulnerable adults experience the highest standards of pastoral care within the Parish.
The Diocesan Policy and Procedures, Codes of Conduct and Training set out the safeguarding requirements to enable the Committee to fulfil its duties.
Concerns of a safeguarding nature can be communicated to any member of the Parish Safeguarding Committee by contacting the Parish Office.
For more information on any of our groups please contact the Parish Office